Emmaus International

The World Assembly opened yesterday, 18 April, by a discussion on the fight against poverty with Fatou Sow, Gustave Massiah and Alessandro Zanotelli. In a context of increasing global poverty, we must take urgent steps to provide the most vulnerable sectors of the population with the tools they need to protect their fundamental rights.

One thing is clear: social movements must become more democratic and participative.

The discussion that took place during the opening of the World Assembly 2016 made it clear that the fight against poverty can only succeed if vulnerable populations are able to evaluate the society in which we live, and to develop political and social dialogues that promote awareness.    

Only democracy can deconstruct the mechanisms that produce inequalities and allow the poorest sectors of the population to organize and respond to this urgent context collectively. The democratic process is an essential catalyst for socially and environmentally just development; allowing for participation in overlapping social movements and facilitating the development of movements focused on the needs of vulnerable populations. 

Fatou Sow, Gustavo Massiah, Alessandro Zanotelli

The 3 speakers: Fatou Sow, Gustave Massiah and Alessandro Zanotelli