Emmaus International

Increasing numbers of community activists are being convicted by the French courts for the crime of helping migrants. Emmaus International is part of the “Solidarity Criminals” collective, which publicly condemns the criminalization of acts of solidarity.

“If it is a crime to show solidarity with foreigners, then we are all criminals” - this is the message of the “Solidarity Criminals” campaign, which Emmaus International has joined along with 350 other local and national organisations.
All over France, demonstrations are being held in support of citizens who are facing trouble with the law for having offered assistance to undocumented migrants.

Manifesto of the “Solidarity Criminals” collective

Acts of solidarity have never been classified as a criminal offence under any form of legislation. Nevertheless, community activists who are doing nothing but offering assistance to people who are in highly precarious situations and suffering the effects of dangerous, violent and even inhumane decisions, are today finding themselves before the courts. With the declaration of a state of emergency in France, and in the context of what has been called the “migration crisis”, there has been a rise in criminal proceedings aiming to prevent people from showing solidarity with people such as migrants, refugees, the Roma and undocumented persons. Moreover, even showing support for foreigners in general terms now tends to arouse suspicion, with any expression of opposition to government policy being associated with rebellion and disruption of public order.

Deliquants solidaires

Want to get involved in the campaign?

  • Send a tweet to the government ministers concerned to alert them to the situation
  • Report any cases of solidarity crime that you know about and read up on the ongoing cases
  • Sign up to the newsletter to keep updated on the events and demonstrations organised by the collective

Find out more on the campaign website: http://www.delinquantssolidaires.org/

Delinquants solidaires Emmaus