Emmaus International

Committed to the fight for right to water for all for more than 10 years, Emmaus International would like to outline its support for the Fondation France Libertés and Coordination Eau Île-de-France who are being prosecuted for defamation by Veolia for denouncing illegal water cuts carried out by this multinational.

Despite the introduction, 3 years ago, of a French law which prohibits illegal water cuts in people's primary residences due to lack of payment, the multinationals Veolia and Saur continue to carry out partial water cuts and thus deny right to water for the poorest.

After having taken action alongside users who have been victims of water cuts and having won cases in courts on several occasions the Fondation France Libertés and Coordination Eau Île-de-France are now being prosecuted for defamation by Veolia. They have few arguments in their favour so the multinational is going ahead with the court case to try and silence these rights advocates by wearing them down financially.

Together we can show multinationals that #OnNeSeTairaPas!

In addition to the issue of water cuts this attack by the world's biggest water company involves all those who defend human, social and environmental rights.
Emmaus International supports these groups who defend the rights of the poorest and who fight relentlessly for social justice.
