Emmaus International

On 18 December, migrants and the civil society organisations that work with them, the Emmaus movement and the Organisation for Universal Citizenship are calling for people to take part in a large-scale awareness-raising event on International Migrants’ Day in Calais and throughout France:

- To denounce the shameful conditions being experienced by the migrants and demand, in accordance with the recommendations made by non-profit activists, that a realistic reception system is set up in the Calais area.
- To reject the security-based response and the building, in our name, of a ‘wall of shame’ in Calais.
- In favour of new migration policies that respect the rights and dignity of migrants being put in place at national, European and world level.

We denounce the construction of the wall of shame, a dangerous new step that contravenes migrant freedom and respect for their rights, and a policy that places the emphasis on 'total security’, and we wish to demonstrate that other alternatives are possible.

We are inviting you – citizens and civil society organisations – to publicize the appeal and join our procession on 18 December.

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