Emmaus International

Moon Sharma is Director of Tara Projects (India), Chair of Emmaus Asia, and Vice Chair of Emmaus International. To mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto in Bern, Switzerland, she addressed the relevance of the Manifesto, with particular focus on the realities of the world today.

“In 1969, the declaration of the Universal Manifesto gave us the set direction to move forward. Today after 50 years, the Manifesto is as relevant and important as it was at that time. Today, the world is confronted with massive problems of poverty, the suppression of human rights, injustice, intolerance and discrimination. It has resulted in unprecedented violence. We also observe that the fascist and fundamentalist forces are becoming stronger. Exploitation and depleting human values have become the norm of the day. Irresponsible consumption has led us to the verge of climatic emergencies. Therefore, in present times, the Universal Manifesto is most relevant.

It reminds us of our conviction that only love and respect for each other can unite us and work to make life worth living. It has set the objective that we have to fight against the causes of poverty and social injustices, so that everyone can live in harmony, peace and with dignity. It ensures that by saving others than you, yourself are saved. As a part of the movement it is our duty to help those who are less fortunate than us.

So as members in our responsibility we have a huge task in front of us to fight for. We need to be committed and together in our beliefs and actions. Only then we will be able to change the world.

Universal Manifesto is a milestone for our Movement. It has set values and rules for all the groups worldwide. To work with the underprivileged and uplift their lives. To welcome people without any discrimination and help them to come out of their vulnerable situation. To respect people and their dignity. To act to save our environment. To collectively fight for an economy with Solidarity. To share our resources to ensure social equity and environmental sustainability. To promote solidarity in civil society actions. To defend common resources for a better world for our future generations.

With the current realities and the common challenges faced by all, each of us, who are a part of Emmaus movement, wherever they are, we all must work in solidarity. Only then we will be able to change the world.”


Photo : ©Brigitte Besson