Emmaus International

The RREUSE association will participate in the World Forum of Alternatives, organized by Emmaus International. In a few lines, here are some explanations about her approach and actions on the field.

 Cooperativa Sociale Insieme

What are the fight you are up to ? What are the core values of your work ?

RREUSE represents social enterprises active in reuse, repair and recycling. RREUSE’s primary mission is to help tackle poverty, social exclusion and a throwaway culture by promoting policies, best practices and partnerships that support the professional approach and development of social enterprises working in environmental services with high potential for local and inclusive job creation, notably re-use and repair.

Which actions do you realize on the field and on a daily basis?

Our Brussels office primarily deals with EU policy, advocacy and exchanges of best practice,  working together with our membership and partners to promote re-use and repair as well as the role of social enterprise in the circular economy. 

The main activities of our members include collection, sorting and redistribution of used textiles and clothing; collection, repair and reuse of electrical and electronic waste (WEEE), furniture and other bulky waste; running reuse shops; awareness raising campaigns, international projects, exchange of best practice and business support.

Who are the beneficiaries of your actions and work?

Approximately 140,000 workers, trainees and volunteers are engaged in the activities of our 26 members across 24 European countries and the USA.  RREUSE members employ people at risk of socio-economic exclusion and help bring them back into work.

How did you hear about Emmaüs International, and what does our Movement inspire you ?

Emmaüs structures from France, Spain and the UK have been present in the wider RREUSE network for many years now and in 2017 we were delighted to welcome Emmaüs Europe as a member, strengthening our cooperation and expanding the geographical outreach.

At RREUSE we value and admire the strong social aspect of work of all Emmaus chapters as well as their significant positive impact on the environment. We appreciate that Emmaus does not only aim at helping individuals and groups in need but also raises awareness on social injustice. We believe us and our members can learn from Emmaus thanks to your long existence and strong network.

What are you waiting for this World Forum?

We are happy to be able to participate in the discussions at this unique event, bringing together Emmaus groups from all around the world. We believe we’ll come back with many interesting contacts and ideas on how to bring about a positive societal change in policy and locally on the ground.

© Crédits photo : RepaNet_R.U.S.Z et Cooperativa Sociale Insieme