Emmaus International

Madeleine is a voluntary interpreter with Emmaus International. She has supporting the democratic running of the organisation for 8 years now, by helping to ensure that everyone can make themselves understood at the movement’s meetings and major events.

Emmaus International works in three official languages: French, English and Spanish. All of the organisation’s working documents are therefore translated into these three languages. Meetings are also interpreted to allow participants from 4 continents to understand each other and work together. Emmaus International regularly calls on voluntary interpreters to support its internal team during statutory meetings or events.

Madeleine Walter, a retired employee of the OECD, has been one of our faithful volunteers since 2007, and she is proud to use her skills for a cause she supports:

140922 simpliquer donner bénévole Madeleine“It is a great pleasure to volunteer at Emmaus International! We work with the in-house interpreters during meetings in Montreuil and also at meetings elsewhere. I had the opportunity to go to Lake Nokoué in Benin, a place I had heard so much about. I also have strong memories of the launch of the mutual health funds in Bangladesh in 2009. For the first time people asked my opinion as an interpreter! I am 100% behind Emmaus International in all its struggles, and the atmosphere amongst everyone is really great, so this voluntary work is particularly exciting!”

Are you a professional interpreter, and would you like to support the Emmaus International team as a volunteer?
If so, please get in touch: Aurélie Colladon : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.