Emmaus International

On 28 January, the Abbé Pierre Foundation presented Paris with its 21st report on sub-standard housing in France. In its report, the Foundation stresses the extent to which poor housing represents a public health problem and as well as the risk it poses of urban segregation. As in previous years, the report provides a detailed overview of sub-standard housing in France.

Housing and public health
Insalubrity, energy insecurity and indecent housing have a serious impact on the health of thousands of people. People living in sub-standard housing (which is overcrowded, damp, noisy, etc.) are 40% more likely to have health problems than the average person. By the same token, people with bad health all too often experience problems in finding housing.

Diversity and social segregation
France's society remains at risk of becoming segregated. The Abbé Pierre Foundation stresses that diversity policies must not be reinforced to the detriment of the poorest in our society. It’s crucial to continue working here and now to improve living conditions in poor neighbourhoods.

An overview of poor housing in France
In France in 2016, 3.8 million people are living in sub-standard housing and 15 million people are suffering the effects of the housing crisis.  This 21st report highlights the alarming deterioration of numerous indicators – including the number of homeless people, the number of people with insecure access to energy and the number of those living with third parties.

See the report (in French)