Emmaus International

On 2nd February 2016 Willi Does, President of Emmaus Europe, met the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, in Strasbourg (France). At the centre of discussions was the painful issue of the fate of migrants and European migration policies which continue to create victims in their thousands, in a Europe that sadly remains inward-looking.

Emmaus associations welcome migrants and political refugees unconditionally, and every day they witness this unacceptable human suffering.

Willi Does urged Mr. Schulz to work on a European strategy towards humane solutions to cope with the current migration situation. He stressed the importance of working with civil society and his willingness to take part in this process and to represent “the voice of the voiceless”, to use a phrase close to Abbé Pierre's heart.

In response, Mr. Schulz said that he was willing to work with all sectors of society. He insisted that specific national interests should not override solidarity and cooperation within Europe, and he said that he would be firmly opposed to nationalistic sentiments.

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