Emmaus International

Three French Emmaus organisations joined Emmaus International at the beginning of 2016: the Emmaus Paris community, the Emmaus 24 community and the organisation Les Eaux Vives. We wish them a very warm welcome!

The Emmaus Paris community (CEP) was founded in 2011 and houses some sixty companions in three homes. Everyone is free to stay as long as they like. In exchange for this welcome, the companions work for the community, which functions as a social enterprise. Together, they carry out a range of activities: from the usual tasks to collecting people’s unwanted goods, via sorting, restoring old goods and selling items donated by individuals.


The organisation Emmaus 24, located in Dordogne (France), operates on the same basis and houses some 20 companions.

Emmaus24Emmaus24 2

The association Les Eaux Vives, created in 1976, works in the French region of Nantes. Through its emergency shelter and access to housing services as well as its support for people who do not have their papers, the organisation fights to include extremely destitute people in society. It does so by providing for people experiencing social and/or psychological problems and placing the people who use its services at the heart of its project.

Eaux vives





Find out more (in French) at: