Emmaus International

The workshops at the World Assembly 2016 have fostered participation, exchange, and ideas. 450 participants have worked together to develop guiding principles for future action.

The first workshop (March 19th) was a collective process, and an important contribution to  Emmaus International’s democratic space. It was focused on the movement’s international solidarity efforts and policies. During the workshop, participants identified several guiding principles for future actions. 

The workshop revealed the need to reconcile our actions with our ideas if we are to change realities and build awareness. Change, transformation, and local well-being will allow us to become political actors and influence the powers that be.   This is why it is so important for us to view solidarity as a political commitment, and to build more influential alliances. Finally, we must use education and openness to improve Movement communications, allowing us to more effectively develop and promote the collective actions of Emmaus International.

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