Emmaus International

Since the start of the year, we have been filming one video per month about initiatives led by Emmaus groups from all four corners of the earth, linked to our struggles for an ethical and solidarity economy, for social and environmental justice and for peace and freedom of movement. We invite you all to watch these documentaries.

As Abbé Pierre's sole legatee Emmaus International is commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the death of our founder in 2017. We are marking this occasion by filming a series of short documentaries which show how the Emmaus groups across the globe continue to lead Abbé Pierre's struggles for a fairer world and a world of solidarity.

Across the four continents the Emmaus groups work every day to find solutions that are adapted to their local contexts and that allow the excluded to once again become stakeholders of their own lives.

In India Emmaus VCDS uses education to help emancipate the population of 'Untouchables', in Côte d'Ivoire Emmaus Jekawili supports young migrant workers and in Uruguay Emmaus Nuevo Paris works alongside women in prisons.

In France families have united under the '100 for 1' initiative which provides housing for refugee families. In Italy the creation in 2016 of an Emmaus community in Palermo highlights how relevant the Emmaus model is, tackling the current issues in Sicily (social injustices, the mafia, etc.) head on.

The documentaries we have filmed since the beginning of 2017 are now available on the 'videos' section of our website as well as on our YouTube channel.

We invite you to watch these videos and to help us to share them with as many people as possible, thus supporting the struggles of Emmaus International!


Emmaus VCDS (India)

Carrousel film VCDS

Emmaus Jekawili (Ivory Coast)

Carrousel Jekawili

Emmaus Nuevo Paris (Uruguay)

Visuel film Uruguay

"100 for 1" (France)

Caroussel 100pour1

Emmaus Palermo (Italy)

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