Emmaus International

The Covid-19 pandemic will have a long-term impact on the Emmaus movement and the people that we support. More than ever, we must remain faithful to the aims of our founder, Abbé Pierre, and to continue to “serve first those who suffer most!” To do this, the Emmaus movement needs your help!

In the 41 countries where we work, our normal activities have stopped and the 410 member organisations of Emmaus International are left with no income. At the same time, the people supported by the movement are being gravely impacted by this crisis.

Wherever possible, the Emmaus groups are taking urgent action to help those most in need. We are doing everything we can, but it will not be enough and we know that our groups will face even greater hardships tomorrow.

Support Emmaus International

Emmaus International has set up an emergency fund for all of its groups spread across 4 continents, with 2 key priorities:

  • Vital emergency support
  • Recovery assistance to restart activities (depending on the country and government decisions)

>>> Make a donation to Emmaus International

Support Emmaus’ national organisations

To cope with these challenges, some national organisations at Emmaus have also launched public fundraising campaign. Please donate to these appeals which are essential for sustaining the Emmaus movement.

>>> Emmaus France fundraising campaign

>>> Emmaus Italy fundraising campaign

Other organisations are also requesting donations to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic:

>>> Emmaus UK fundraising campaign

>>> Emmaus Switzerland fundraising campaign