Emmaus International

Juan Melquiades, Vice-President of Emmaus International, and his group Aguilas Emaus Piura explain the political crisis in Peru and their mobilization.


"On Monday 9 November, the Peruvian Congress, acting in blatant disregard of the people’s will, removed Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra from office. This removal, on the grounds of "moral incapacity", was based on accusations of corruption related to alleged fraudulent acts during his time as governor of the Moquegua region (2011-2014).

Manuel Merino, who was Congress Chairman, took over the presidency on Tuesday 10 November. As a member of the centre-right People's Action Party, he assumed the presidency of the Republic in the midst of this political crisis, caused by the very same members of congress, without heeding 90% of the population who were calling for Vizcarra to complete his mandate, given that elections will be held in April 2021.

The people reacted, with thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets all over the country to protest Vizcarra’s removal from office, demonstrating clearly that Merino does not represent us.

With almost 1 million people infected with the virus and more than 35,000 deaths, Peru is the country with the highest number of Covid-19 related deaths per capita in the world.
Merino resigned after five days in power following the deaths of 2 young demonstrators, the disappearance of 40 protesters and hundreds injured.

On 17 November, the fourth president of the 2016-2021 period, Francisco Sagasti, was sworn in. He is charismatic, well prepared and above all his past is free of corruption.
However, the thousands of young people on the streets are watching this new government’s moves carefully and are demanding a new constitution, along with judicial proceedings for all those accused of corruption who enjoy parliamentary immunity.

In this turbulent social and political context, the Emmaus groups in Peru are getting involved as much as they can, studying this harsh reality and trying to be agents of change by reflecting, participating in various groups and contributing our essence and our values."

Juan Melquiades,
Vice-Chair of Emmaus International

"Aguilas Emaus Piura is here!"
Discover the Emmaus Águilas Piura group's letter of mobilisation