Emmaus International

While vaccination rates are increasing at a steady pace in some countries, many others are experiencing a real inequity in the distribution of vaccines despite facing critical health situations. Global vaccine inequality is one of the biggest obstacles to ending this pandemic.

In an article dated 9 June, we heard from Madeleine Antoinette Mbom, deputy manager of the Centre for Health and Social Promotion in Cameroon. She discussed the challenges of immunisation in African countries: the issue of the availability of vaccines, the difficulty of transport, breaks in the cold chain, and the expiry of doses in countries where transport is difficult. According to the UN Security Council, the African population accounts for 2% of vaccinations, while it represents 16% of the world population.

Let's not forget that no one is safe until everyone has access to safe and effective treatments and vaccines! On 20 May, the European Parliament voted in favour of a temporary waiver of private patents on vaccines and treatments needed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. With this vote, it proposes entering into negotiations to improve global access to affordable medical products: this is the first time that a text adopted by the European Parliament in plenary has called on the European Union to stop defending the profits of Big Pharma at the expense of people's lives. A waiver, even temporarily, of intellectual property rights on pandemic vaccines and treatments would facilitate access to vaccines for the poorest countries.

However, the European Commission continues to block the suspension of patents on vaccines in the face of growing support, including at the highest levels of decision-making. One way of participating actively in this international solidarity effort is to sign the European Citizen Initiative "Right to Cure" to put pressure on the European Commission. We need a million signatures to change its position and make vaccines and essential Covid-19 treatment accessible to all everywhere around the world. Share this petition with your contacts who care as much as you do about finding a solution to this crisis!

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