Emmaus International

"When I finish my studies, I'll get a good job, and I’ll then be able to support FHF's work myself".

Florence Home Foundation (FHF) defends children and women’s rights in poor and rural regions in India. The group has two homes which accommodate, at no cost, 30 girls and 25 boys who have been abandoned by their families. These homes help keep children in school as they can go to classes at nearby schools.

This is what Ajith Kumar has to say: “I’m 13 and go to secondary school. I’m an orphan. I’ve been at FHF for three years now, and am very happy there. When I finish my studies, I'll get a good job, and I’ll then be able to support FHF's work myself. I’d like to thank the members and friends of FHF for their work and for their welcome.”

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