Emmaus International

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Emmaus Toulouse, working on environmental and social transition

For its 40-year anniversary Emmaus Toulouse organised a day dedicated to the environmental and social transition. Benoit, the group leader at the Labarthe site, spoke to us about the community's commitment to this topic.

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Travelling exhibition about Abbé Pierre

For the 10-year anniversary of the death of Abbé Pierre Emmaus International and the ANMT invite you to an exhibition which looks back at the life and struggles of Abbé Pierre. Abbé Pierre was the founder of Emmaus and he was also a very multi-faceted person and the public is not always aware of this.

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Raihan Ali, Recognition for his 40 Years of Action

On 19 January Raihan Ali, founder of the Emmaus Thanapara association in Bangladesh, received an award from the United Movement Human Rights Organization for his work to protect human rights and maintain peace.

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It’s been 10 years already… “let’s keep moving forward”

Emmaus France is organising a large festival of solidarity and activism on the Place de la République in Paris on 22 January to mark the 10-year anniversary of Abbé Pierre’s death.  Emmaus International, the universal legatee of Abbé Pierre, will be there to talk about the relevance of our founder’s ideas and struggles in contemporary society, both in France and beyond. 

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Painting Those Who Change the World

The street artist Jinks has recently completed an art project in West Africa. In each of the countries he visited, he painted murals depicting women and men who work for their communities. He brought his tour to a close by visiting two Emmaus associations in Benin. He spoke to us about his project.
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