Emmaus International

In a context marked by the dramas suffered by migrants in the Mediterranean, Emmaus International and the Organisation for a Universal Citizenship (O.C.U.) are organising an international meeting on May 22 and 23 to try and find alternatives in the governance of migrations worldwide.

The O.C.U., co-founded by Emmaus International, Mouvement Utopia and Fondation France Libertés, will celebrate its second birthday on May 23. As a result, on May 22 and 23 it is organising an international seminar at La Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris on the theme of “Alternative governance of migrations” together with CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France), Espacio Sin Fronteras (Brazil), Alternative Espace Citoyens (Niger) and the Center for Migrant Advocacy (Philippines).

It is an opportunity for activists from these organisations to reflect and propose specific responses for an alternative world governance of migrations. The meeting will be attended by a number of personalities and experts on migration issues, among them Bertrand Badie, Catherine Withol de Wenden, Gustavo Massiah, Jorge Muñoz, representatives of Sao Paulo City Council, François Gemenne... People who are convinced that alternatives are possible – or even already applied in cases where real political will has been shown –, they will all share their vision of migration policy.

150504 Annonce seminaire OCU

The seminar will also set out to take stock of migration policies that are widespread at present, highlight alternative models that are in place in different parts of the world, go into depth on the notion of universal citizenship and reflect on our way of living together and the new geopolitical contexts in which migrations take place, faced with wars/conflicts and climate issues. It will also be an opportunity to formulate proposals and draw up a road map to help everyone – local/national politicians, institutions, civil society and citizens’ organisations – to work on creating an alternative and democratic system of governance of international migrations.

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The Minutes of the seminar will be published on our website after the event.