Emmaus International

The 3rd intergovernmental summit of Western Balkans and EU countries, being held in Paris today, does not intend to discuss any migration-related issues, despite the terrible plight faced by migrants travelling the Balkan route. French network Des Ponts Pas des Murs (“Bridges, not Walls”), of which Emmaus International is a member, condemns the European Union’s failure to take action.

Despite the fact that the countries involved constitute the “Balkan route”, along which multiple human rights violations have been committed and EU rules breached during recent months, the agenda for the meeting to be held in Paris today does not contain any items relating to migration issues.

States in the region have successively closed their borders to migrants, built fences and made migration an offence. However, the European institutions have neither punished nor condemned any breaches of the EU rules with which member states and countries in the process of joining the EU must comply.

The organisations comprising Des Ponts Pas Des Murs condemn the multiple violations of rights, the building of walls, police violence, the shooting of migrants, the confinement of potential asylum-seekers and collective deportations and are calling for the effective implementation of free movement in the Schengen Area and the establishment of migrant reception policies.

Emmaus denonce politique UE Balkans