Emmaus International

An agreement signed by Emmaus International and the Abbé Pierre Foundation in 2015 has enabled the funding of 10 accommodation improvement projects on four continents.

At Emmaus Igualdade in Brazil, these funds have facilitated the construction of housing for companions, who had previously been sleeping in the local community shop.

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At Emmaus association the Florence Home Foundation in India, these funds have been used to improve the plumbing and electrical facilities at the hostel for girls and young women and create accommodation for the companions living at the farm.

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At Emmaus Oselya in Ukraine, these funds have allowed the companions to carry out renovation works on their living space to make it more comfortable (construction of a common room and basement).

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At Emmaus association CAJED (DRC), which provides shelter and education for children who are not enrolled in school, these funds have facilitated the construction of a reception and accommodation facility for children and young people.

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