Emmaus International

The Emmaus International archives contain a large collection of posters - almost 815 original copies, not counting duplicates - from almost all the countries where the movement has developed. Their methodical filing is underway and will allow them to be digitised, so that they can be more easily consulted and used. Emmaus International looks at one of them.

Let's focus on this poster, which was made in 1991, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Traperia Emaus San Luis group in Chile. This poster, in addition to many others, was made by Gerardo Anabalon for the Urracas groups. As a designer and photographer, he has been working with the Chilean groups for almost 40 years, primarily on communication tools for Emaus San Luis.

Affiche 30 ans Emmaüs San Luis

The Emaus San Luis group celebrated its 60th anniversary on 17th May! Emmanuelle Larcher, Heritage Officer at Emmaus International, reminds us that “this community started its life, its work and its social initiatives by using what they had learned in the first Emmaus communities in France in 1960 as references points”. Today, the community has 24 companions living on-site, 12 volunteers and 9 staff members, carrying out the traditional “rag-picking” work, i.e., collecting, recovering, and recycling objects donated by individuals, offices, companies, and businesses. These articles are repaired in workshops and given a second life in the homes of families who need them.