Emmaus International

  • #OurVoicesMatter

    Find out more about our appeal and add your voice to ours!

  • Our actions in pictures

    Since the start of the year, we have been filming one video per month about an initiative led by an Emmaus group.
  • Act Emmaus

    Discover yesterday's struggles and our current struggles via this exciting journey!

To mark the release of Emmaus’ first Global Report on its fight against poverty, we are inviting you to get involved in our communication campaign! The aim is to publicise our work and our proposals on tackling poverty and its causes through one clear message: Our struggles are local, global, vital! The hashtag #OurVoicesMatter has also been chosen to highlight and make the voices heard of those leading this struggle.

The communication campaign will begin on 17 October, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

On this occasion, we will launch a new appeal from the Emmaus movement to make our demands heard, and we will send a press release and press kit to journalists. Over the following six weeks, we will spotlight one demand per week from our Report. For each of the six weeks, we will focus on one demand, illustrated with video, audio and visual content. For this campaign and to share our analyses and proposals as widely as possible, we will use:

  • Dedicated website, with the full report, along with all the videos and photos showing our demands and alternatives.
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) from 18 October to 28 November, using the hashtag #OurVoicesMatter 

In order to make the campaign as international as possible, all the communication material will be translated into Spanish, English and French.

So that each member of our movement can prepare, we are sharing a communication kit with you containing: appeal (please note, this is confidential until 17 October 2021!), report (also to be kept confidential until 17 October); a summary is being finalised, press kit, press release template to be sent to national and local media, ideas for events that can be organised locally, audios, videos and visual materials.

<<Download the communication kit >>

We are also running two video conference sessions so you can become familiar with the campaign’s content and tools:

  • Tuesday 12 October at 3pm (CET) in Spanish and French
  • Wednesday 13 October at 10am (CET) in English and French

To sign up, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We need your help with this campaign to make the release of our first Global Report a success!  For this campaign, a single hashtag will be used: #OurVoicesMatter, which will allow us to track all publications and media coverage of the campaign. Make sure you don’t miss anything by signing up to follow us here: FacebookTwitterInstagram & LinkedIn !