Emmaus International

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Forum News

A side event at the United Nations to defend fundamental rights

Following a symbolic march closing the first edition of the World Forum of Alternatives, Emmaus International spoke at the United Nations on Thursday 20 September 2018 to share within this organization of human rights protection, the arternatives carried by the Movement to promote equity and the respect of fundamental rights.

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Forum News

David Sinza, Emmaus Buenaventura: one of the photographers of the Forum

David Sinza, member of Emmaus Buenaventura in Colombia, has participated to the World Forum of Alternatives. Gifted with real skills for photography, he covered the whole event with very nice pictures. Here is his testimony, and you can find several of his pictures on our photo gallery

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Forum News

Closing statement of the World Forum of Alternatives

The World Forum of Alternatives led with the most excluded was held in Geneva, Switzerland, upon invitation by Emmaus International and its allies: movements led by people living in poverty and deprivation and victims of all types of discrimination are speaking out. They want to keep using their voices, and will do so, expressing their determination not to submit to those who purport to speak for them or instead of them. 

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Forum News

Images of the World Forum of Alternatives!

See some the highlights of the conferences, workshops, cultural moments, big march and United Nation event realized in the framework of the Forum of Alternatives, which took place in Geneva from 17 to 20 September 2018.

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Forum News

Focus on RREUSE, ally of Emmaus International for the World Forum of Alternatives

The RREUSE association will participate in the World Forum of Alternatives, organized by Emmaus International. In a few lines, here are some explanations about her approach and actions on the field.

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Forum News

Gustave Massiah : “Cultural and ideological resistance is needed to implement alternatives”

Gustave Massiah (1938) is an engineer and economist. He is one of the leading figures of the alter globalist movement in France. Invited to the World Forum of Alternatives in Geneva, he answered our questions.

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Forum News

Emmaus International will be at the United Nations

Following in the footsteps of Abbé Pierre, who was involved in drafting Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Emmaus International will take the floor at the UN during its 39th session of the Human Rights Council on 20 September in Geneva

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Forum News

Joséphine Ouédraogo : “Emmaüs restores dignity and brings back meaning”

The current Ambassador of Burkina Faso in Rome and former Keeper of the Seals at the Ministry of Transition of Burkina Faso (2014) cultivates strong ties with Emmaus International for 30 years. She supports the World Forum of Alternatives organised by Emmaus, and answers our questions

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