Emmaus International

Participants from groups in the four Emmaus regions tell us how they experienced the World Forum of Alternatives.

Forum Vu Participants

Fatima GOUMRI - Emmaüs Pointe Rouge Marseille (France): «  It's reassuring to know that I have friends in the North, South, East and West, and that there are so many of us that share this desire to help and become actively involved with the Movement's work.  […].  The Forum gave us a chance to get some perspective and to think carefully about the work we do each day.. […] I'm going back to my community buoyed by this positive energy!" ». Read more

Mikel Azkona, a companion from Emmaus Pamplona (Spain): "When we see what's happening elsewhere in the world, we realise  we need to organise and mobilise even more to build a future all together". Read More

Runa NYHOLM, Emmaüs Finland: " The Forum encouraged us all to take some time to think and we realised that we all have the same problems, we just have different names for these problems. " Read more

Abu Hassanat, Emmaus PUP, Bengladesh: "By joining forces, we'll have more strength to lead our shared struggles, each of us in our own countries". Read More