Emmaus International

With its long-standing history of being mobilised in favour of sustainable peace and the freedom of movement, Emmaus International today supports all citizens who struggle for peace. Emmaus International stands in solidarity with Palestinians and denounces the unacceptable acts of violence towards them that took place on Monday 14 May during a protest on their right to return.


Declaration by the Board of Emmaus International

At the Emmaus International board meeting held in Annecy, France, the members were shocked by the terrible events which happened in Palestine on Monday 14 May, with Palestinian citizens - men, women and children - as the victims of this unacceptable violence.These Palestinian citizens have been demonstrating since the end of March, demanding the ‘right of return’ for Palestinian refugees 70 years on from the forced exodus (known as the Nakba) caused by the creation of the Israeli state. On Monday 14 May the USA moved their embassy in Israel to the city of Jerusalem, bringing the level of tension, already high following the demonstration launched in late March, up to breaking point. The number of casualties on 14 May was shocking: 60 people lost their lives and 2,400 Palestinians were wounded by gunfire.

Emmaus International, a solidarity movement, has always rejected violence and has always worked for peace and the respect of fundamental rights across the globe but especially in this region. That is why we cannot remain silent faced with these tragic events which have plunged thousands of families into pain and which will only increase the tension in the region.Emmaus International denounces the consequences of this situation which will notably, once again, have an impact on the most vulnerable. Palestinians already have to live in conditions where their land, their safety and their freedom of movement are at risk.

Emmaus International represents 350 groups spread across 37 countries and 4 continents - these groups would like to reaffirm their solidarity with the citizens of the region who are fighting to bring the different peoples together and to build a region where everyone, particularly the younger generation, can finally have a dignified life with opportunities for the future.

Annecy, France, 18 May 2018
