Emmaus International

The Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre has just launched a new bookstore. It aims to make culture accessible to all, whilst generating extra income for the centre.

The Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre, a heritage site and residential community, was set up in memory of the founder of the Emmaus movement in early 2012 in Esteville, northern France. In addition to its permanent and temporary exhibitions, the centre opened a bookshop on 6 March.

Many partner Emmaus communities have a surplus of books and the Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre is seeking to give them a new lease of life.
The books will be sold at affordable prices to make culture accessible to all whist generating funds for the centre’s development. Hundreds more books will be put on sale at attractive prices on the first Saturday of each month from March to October.

The centre is also hoping to attract new visitors with this income-generating, environmentally-friendly and affordable bookstore.

More information about the Abbé Pierre - Emmaus Centre


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