Emmaus International

Emmaus FHF in India ran their annual solidarity sale from 16 – 20 June, selling their own local farming produce. An original approach to contributing towards international solidarity in the movement…

Every year, Emmaus organisations around the world run a solidarity sale. They all go to Emmaus International to finance organisations’ development projects around the world.  Emmaus organisations’ sales are run depending on their means and activities. Organisations in Europe often put on furniture sales, thanks to their traditional activity of collecting donated goods, whilst others prefer to sell produce or organise special fundraising events. 

Every year at Florence Home Foundation (FHF) in India, local organic farming produce is sold at the solidarity sale. In the space of five days, the organisation will sell up to 300kg of mangoes, 600kg of sapodilla and 700 kg of jackfruit. They also plan to sell seedlings and jasmine. The organisation plans to raise 35,000 rupees, equivalent to 486 euros, to finance solidarity projects throughout the world.

The aim of the sale is not only to raise funds by selling goods, but also to tell customers about the Emmaus movement and its activities.  
Selva, a volunteer at FHF told us, “Though we’re poor, we’re very happy to support the poor living in other countries, those who suffer most like us!”
“Pooling our resources with others is the strength of our movement. Through this Solidarity support, we feel that we belong to the Emmaus family” he said.

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