Emmaus International

L’accès à l’éducation est un moyen majeur pour lutter contre les causes de la misère
Our policy
Education is a key way of fighting the causes of poverty. Emmaus International manages a fund that member organisations use to run advocacy campaigns and activities for disadvantaged social groups.

Key issues

  • The right to education is enshrined in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Providing all children with access to education would avoid seven million cases of HIV and AIDS in the coming decade (Global Campaign for Education)
  • A child with a literate mother has a 50% greater chance of surviving beyond the age of 5 (Global Campaign for Education)
  • 71% of young illiterate women live in only nine countries, including India, Burkina Faso and Bangladesh (UNESCO).


pilot action
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Each of the Emmaus International regions – Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe – manages its own actions and campaigns for education.

In the Americas for example, member organisations involved in this area meet once a year to share ideas.

Similarly, a global meeting for Emmaus organisations involved in education initiatives was held in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2011. They discussed their practices, shared know-how and considered how they can come up with common policy and campaigns.


Global action


  • Asia: Yayasan Penghibur, Indonesia
    Accommodating and providing education for orphaned or abandoned children
  • The Americas: Cuna Nazareth, Peru
    Education for disadvantaged children
  • Africa: CAJED, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Education and support for street children and child soldiers
  • Europe: Fundación social, Spain
    Formal and informal education in cooperation with partner organisations (education centres, universities, summer camps, etc.)
get involved




Point of view
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Valentina Ceol,
Chair of Nuevo París, Uruguay

“The young people we welcome at our community have left the standard education system. We offer two to three-year training courses in hairdressing, cookery and computing, and workshops on artistic and self expression. We try to pass on our values to them – values based on solidarity, sharing and tolerance, so these young people grow up to be responsible citizens.”