Emmaus International

Emmaüs International ne cesse de clamer l’urgence de repenser les politiques migratoires
our policy
Emmaus International is calling for an urgent rethink on migration policy, which mostly focuses on security and kills thousands of people every year. Emmaus International supports worldwide freedom of movement and settlement.

Key issues

  • Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts the right to freedom of movement and settlement
  • Only 3% of the world’s population migrates abroad, and the rate hasn’t changed for the last 50 years (UN 2013)
  • 60% of this migration is to the global South (UNDP 2013)
  • 20,000 people have died on the Mediterranean borders since the year 2000 (The Migrants Files)
  • On average, each deportation costs the French State 27,000 Euros (Cimade).


pilot action
L’Organisation pour une Citoyenneté Universelle (O.C.U.)

Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OUC)

Emmaus International set up the Organisation for Universal Citizenship with France Libertés and Utopia in 2013, and is calling for freedom of movement and settlement to be accepted worldwide.
The OUC is campaigning for a round of UN conferences to be held on the issue of migration, with full involvement of migrants and civil society.
Launched on 23 May 2013, on that day every year the OUC presents universal citizenship passports. Although they have no legal value, they are accepted by migrants and public figures who are committed to supporting this initiative. The OUC is also seeking support from countries and civil society organisations for its proposals.

Find out more about the OUC


Global action


  • Asia: Thanapara Swallows, Bangladesh
    Awareness-raising and mobilisation
  • The Americas: Recife, Brazil
    Welcoming migrants
  • Africa: CORDIS, South Africa
    Welcoming migrants
  • Europe: Emmaus Italy
    Campaigning and mobilisation


Point of view
Carline Beaubrun, migrante et détentrice du passeport de citoyenneté universelle

Carline Beaubrun,
migrant and holder of a universal citizenship passport

“I left my home for France with a two-month visa and I wanted to try and stay here. I knew, however, that by making that choice I’d have to leave my family behind me, and it’s extremely difficult for me.  Sometimes, I feel as though I’m in an open air prison. I dream of having access to the same rights as others.”