Emmaus International

Press release

Solidarity sale: contemporary art exhibition for Emmaus International.

From 5 to 10 October 2021, at the 59 Rivoli gallery in Paris, Emmaus International is organising a solidarity sale of street art, thanks to the generosity of over forty artists.

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Press release

On 28 July, we celebrate 10 years of the right to water and sanitation

On 28 July 2020 we mark the tenth anniversary of the recognition of the human right to water and sanitation by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/64/292). In the midst of this health crisis, this date reminds us of the vital importance of universal access to water and sanitation and raises questions about the progress made on this matter. On this occasion, French associations are mobilising through the campaign “Water is a right”.

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Press release

Tribune: “We must stop trade negotiations with Bolsonaro

As the European Union prepares to finalise the trade agreement with the Mercosur countries, Emmaus International and numerous international solidarity organisations are calling on the European institutions to stop trade negotiations with the Bolsonaro government, which is responsible for alarming damage to health and the environment in Brazil.

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Press release

Solidarity with peasants’ struggles for a sustainable world

The current health crisis highlights the failings of an economic system founded on unsustainable intensive farming which creates inequalities and exclusion. With a looming food crisis, the survival of peasant agriculture is at stake.

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