Emmaus International

From 5 to 10 October 2021, at the 59 Rivoli gallery in Paris, Emmaus International is organising a solidarity sale of street art, thanks to the generosity of over forty artists.

Emmaus International has 425 member organisations worldwide who work and struggle alongside the most excluded populations to help them reclaim their rights. These population groups have been particularly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. They have often been isolated and deprived of their most basic rights, such as work or even access to health care or drinking water. Today, in many countries, it is the poorest people who are confronted with the consequences of this global crisis on health, along with its social, economic and even democratic repercussions.  

A solidarity sale to confront the social and financial consequences of the pandemic. 

Many street artists have been following and supporting Emmaus International for many years. For these artists, Abbé Pierre is still a source of inspiration. Several of them have travelled to meet our groups in Africa, the Americas and Asia and they wished to support our efforts by donating one or more of their works to this solidarity sale. Over 50 works, donated to Emmaus International for this event, will be sold for a fixed price. This sale follows the first online sale held in June 2020.


All the profits from this sale will go to the Emmaus International solidarity fund to be used for its activities that promote access to health and assist migrants who, all too often, no longer have access to their rights.

In the words of Patrick Atohoun, Chair of Emmaus International, “artistic expression is a way of denouncing injustice. Art and culture are therefore highly political and constitute an alternative means of expression to occupy the public space.” The future is bright for this cooperation between Emmaus International and urban artists!

The artists involved in this event: Alex Perret, Ariane Pasco, Arok, Artis, Caligre Oner, Creyone 132, Djalouz, Docteur Bergman, Erik Bonnet, Ernesto Novo, Eskat, Gino, Hrlck, Ioye, Iza Zaro, Jérôme Thomas, Jinks Kunst, Lélé, Lloeill, Mad 325, M.E. Paris, Meushay, Mg La Bomba Eta, Miss Fuck, Mr Pee, Nourou Naro, Olivier Carpent, Peams’s, Phazes, Philouwer, Pierre Gregori, Skripte, Sp38, Stéphane Auriol, Stoz, Tarek, Twopy, Vincent Ganivet, Vincent Pompetti, Vlad Wierzbicki, Xkuz Oner + Collab

Press contact :
Emmaus International
Emmanuelle Larcher
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+33 1 41 58 25 52