Emmaus International

On 24 June 2015, the 45 members of the CRID (Research and Information Centre for Development) adopted a declaration putting forward a different perspective on migration, an objective and informed view, that’s far removed from the obsession with security.

CRID’s 45 member organisations do not all focus on defending migrants’ rights. Quite simply, they are all keen to champion this cause and demand equal rights for all. They therefore oppose the political exploitation of migration; they denounce the inherent hypocrisy of political lines on migration and reiterate that migration is a natural phenomenon and an integral part of humankind’s history.

A few weeks ago, over 100 organisations called on the French President, François Hollande, to set in motion a dialogue between the government and civil society on the issue of migration. In response to François Hollande’s flat and definitive refusal, the CRID member organisations wish to demonstrate that other viewpoints exist in society and they do not differentiate between human beings.

CRID members:

4D – Accueil Paysan – AGTER – Aide et Action – Aide Odontologique Internationale – Amis de la Terre – AMM - ASPAL – Avenir Social – C4D – CARI – CCFD Terre Solidaire – Cimade – Eau Vive – Emmaüs International – ENDA Europe – Fédération Artisans du Monde – Réseau Foi et Justice – Fondation Abbé Pierre – Fondation Sciences Citoyennes – Fondation France Libertés – France Amérique Latine – Frères des Hommes – GRDR – IDD – IPAM – Ingénieurs Sans Frontières – les Petits Débrouillards – la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme – MADERA – Max Havelaar – le Mouvement de la Paix – Oxfam France – Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité – Peuples Solidaires – RITIMO – Secours Catholique – Secours Islamique – Secours Populaire – Sherpa – Solidarité – Survie – Terre des Hommes – Traditions pour Demain – Union Juive Française pour la Paix.

pdfDownload the text here