Emmaus International

  • #OurVoicesMatter

    Find out more about our appeal and add your voice to ours!

  • Our actions in pictures

    Since the start of the year, we have been filming one video per month about an initiative led by an Emmaus group.
  • Act Emmaus

    Discover yesterday's struggles and our current struggles via this exciting journey!

Sharing is one of the fundamental values of Emmaus International. All the funds raised are available to all the members according to their needs and within the rules stipulated by the Executive Committee.

To enable you to follow where we are at, as closely as possible, in terms of funds raised and funds allocated, we have put together a large number of graphs which you can find here. This data is updated regularly.

Page last updated on: 30/09/2020

Contents :

Origin of resources and requirements achieved

The amount required for Emmaus International to respond to this crisis has increased to €1,520,000. We have so far used: €1,189,036 and we are relying on our savings which amount to €341,645. Therefore, we still need to raise €115,673.

1. Overall achievement of funding targets to date:
2. Achievement of the funding targets to date, per type:
3. Origin of funds available to date:

Breakdown of funds already used

The total of the funds raised has been distributed to 65 member groups through 239 funding requests. The average amount of the aid granted per request is: €4,975.

4. Number of requests granted and beneficiary groups by region and at the global level (to date):
5. Allocation of funds granted by region (to date):
6. Allocation of funds granted by provision, by region and at global level (to date):

Use and impact of funds granted

The fund requests and the usage reports enable us to assess how much of the assistance granted is used to support the groups and how much benefits the people supported by means of the group’s initiatives. For the latter, we can also estimate the type of assistance provided.

According to our estimates, 188,577 people have benefited from assistance to the populations through the funds already distributed as part of this emergency provision.

7. Share of the amounts spent per assistance type, per region and globally (to date):
8. Evaluation of the allocation of assistance to people per assistance type, per region and globally (to date):