Emmaus International

  • #OurVoicesMatter

    Find out more about our appeal and add your voice to ours!

  • Our actions in pictures

    Since the start of the year, we have been filming one video per month about an initiative led by an Emmaus group.
  • Act Emmaus

    Discover yesterday's struggles and our current struggles via this exciting journey!

Origins of the provisions

In order to tackle the global health crisis quickly, Emmaus International's elected representatives were keen to launch a global solidarity initiative within the movement, in consultation with the regions. Since mid-March emergency solidarity provisions have been set up to begin to respond to the needs on the ground.
The conditions for accessing this emergency fund are as follows:
• Your group is forced, as a direct consequence of the health crisis, to suspend its economic activities;
• This suspended activity threatens the existence of the group and/or the ability to meet the basic needs of vulnerable people welcomed and supported by your group;
• Your group does not benefit from assistance from your national organisation or public aid from your country or local authorities.

Presentation of the provisions

The Executive Committee has decided to implement 3 exceptional provisions and to expand the conditions of use of the Emmaus Ethical Fund to include cash relief (referred to as provision “2”). Here we are only presenting the 3 emergency provisions (referred to as provisions “1”, “3” and “4”). As yet, no applications have been made to the Emmaus Ethical Fund, however applications will no doubt be made when activities resume as the lockdown is eased.

• Provision 1: “Urgent support”

Purpose: to cover, at least partially, the survival costs for the running of the group, in other words the fees related to the basic needs of the group so that it can keep going during the crisis. These include food, water, healthcare, electricity, a share of the operating costs, etc.

Priority criteria:
• The group already carried out one or several activities before the health crisis forced it to cease this activity (please note that this provision is not to be used to restart dormant activities)
• The suspension of their activities directly threatens the group’s existence and the fundamental needs of the vulnerable people the group supports
• The group does not benefit from public aid or assistance from the national federation
• The group works in a context where social protection is limited or non-existent

Maximum amount of aid: €5,000 per month, renewable

• Provision 3: “Relaunching activities post-lockdown”

Purpose: support the group's recovery coming out of lockdown, in particular in its solidarity initiatives with vulnerable people that it usually cares for; this aid may also cover the administrative costs of accessing any public aid that may be set up in the country concerned.

Priority criteria:
• The group needs financial support to resume its activities and has no available savings it can use
• The group has no public aid and/or support from its national federation
• The group works in a context where social protection is limited or non-existent

Maximum amount of aid: €10,000, non-renewable

• Provision 4: “Support for mutual health organisations”

This provision is only available to the groups/countries which already manage one of the mutual health organisations.

Estimating the needs

Faced with the scale of the crisis which the groups are facing around the world, and aware of the mechanisms put in place by different countries where our groups are present (either by their governments or their national organisation), the Executive Committee and Emmaus International Secretariat have worked with Emmaus Europe, since mid-April, on estimating the priority needs for support. This is not exclusive of support that could be envisaged for all the movement’s groups, depending on the resources available. As things stand at present, some 90 groups in the movement throughout the world have been identified as priority groups for emergency funding, due to the total lack of support measures in their countries and the significant risks to populations who have very precarious health systems, in addition to the dramatic social consequences of the crisis.

Provision Estimated amount of needs Explanation
Urgent support (provision 1) €800,000 Average aid of €4,000 per month over a 3-month period for approximately 80% of the groups primarily concerned
Relaunching activities (provision 3) €640,000 Average aid of €8,000 per group to approximately 95% of the groups primarily concerned
Mutual health organisations (provision 4) €80,000 Overall estimate of needs

Total needs estimated amount to €1,520,000

Of the total required, Emmaus International had solidarity reserves from the annual sales held the previous year which were not yet allocated (awaiting the Board meeting in May 2020), amounting to €468 000 with the support from two foundations, the San Zeno foundation and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, which is member of Emmaus International. The additional needs have therefore been estimated at around €800,000, for which a solidarity appeal was launched to the European groups in the movement.

We must highlight that this situation could have a lasting impact on Emmaus International’s reserve funds for the years to come. Indeed, the programmes usually implemented each year have been suspended, and the reallocation of the restricted solidarity funds linked to the 2019 annual sale will not allow them to be relaunched once the crisis is over. The annual sales in 2020, which provide for the solidarity actions in 2021, have not been launched due to the current situation.

The solidarity appeal launched is therefore essential for the groups and for the movement.

Details on the origins and use of the funds

A detailed, regularly updated presentation is also available here.