Emmaus International



Attacks of 13 November 2015: Building Peace!

In solidarity with victims of terrorist acts around the world

In times of crisis, it is tempting to wage war against a targeted enemy, rather than build peace and tackle the root causes. And when that crisis takes the form of lethal attacks, it is easier to stir up fear and appeal to people's instinct for security than to work on raising awareness.

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Inter-organisational appeal: “We will not give in!”

We will not give in to those who subjected Paris and Saint-Denis to a moment of sheer inhumanity in the name of Daesh. Nothing can justify these killings, either in France or elsewhere. Each and every one of the victims lives in us because we are all part of the same human family. Our solidarity with them and their families is absolute. This is an immense crime, but the only suitable response is to continue to live in a spirit of freedom and brotherhood.

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Policy and campaigns

In India, the country’s poorest people join forces to gain access to healthcare

Since 2011, the Emmaüs association Tara Projects (India) has been fine-tuning a mutual scheme allowing those most marginalised from society to join forces and access healthcare. In 2015, the insurance scheme hit the 2,000 member mark!

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Policy and campaigns

Water and climate, it’s time to take action !

With the opening of the international climate conference (COP21) in Paris, France only two weeks away, water organisations are sounding the alarm about the fact water is not mentioned in the preparatory document, and calling for action. Read their declaration here (in French).

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Local news

Improving accommodation in Benin

As a member of Emmaus International, each year the Abbé Pierre Foundation funds a whole host of international solidarity projects. In 2015, the Foundation joined forces with Emmaus International to fund projects aimed at improving the accommodation offered by Emmaus associations on 4 continents. This week, we head to Benin.

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