Emmaus International



Political action and solidarity within the Movement

The World Council for Political Action and International Solidarity was held from 5-7 November at Montreuil (France). Its aim: to get a take on the collective action being carried out in the Movement in anticipation of the forthcoming 2016 World Assembly (which will bring together all member organisations to determine the main directions of the Movement).

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Policy and campaigns

Support civil society in Burkina Faso

There is growing concern about the situation in Burkina Faso, where in the last few days there have been general strikes, protests and clashes with police. Emmaus Africa, whose board has met in Togo, and Emmaus International reiterate that they lend their full support to civil society organisations there, which are calling for the constitution to be followed and for a democratic change of government.

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Upcoming regional salons

Several regional salons will be held in France in November. Some of the proceeds will go to international solidarity. Read more ...

Local news

Ajith Kumar, 13, from New Delhi (India)

"When I finish my studies, I'll get a good job, and I’ll then be able to support FHF's work myself".

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Policy and campaigns

Campaign for democratic change in Africa

Emmaus Africa and Emmaus International are supporting the campaign entitled Tournons la page (Let’s turn the page) regarding democracy in Africa. “Constitutional coup d’Etats” are brewing in several countries, but people – in particular young people – are having none of it. This campaign, initiated by African Civil Society is being launched to show them that they are not alone.

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