Emmaus International

Policy and campaigns

Policy and campaigns

Sissoko – making migrants' voices heard

A migrant of Malian origin, Anzoumane Sissoko campaigns to ensure the views of undocumented migrants are considered when decisions which affect them are made. He is the spokesperson for the Undocumented Migrants Collective in Paris (France) and a member of the International Steering Committee on Undocumented Migrants.

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Policy and campaigns

“Living together in peace in Europe”: Emmaus at the European Parliament

On 15 December 2015, European members of Emmaus went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, to lobby MEPs.

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Policy and campaigns

Let’s change course on migration!

On the occasion of International Migrants Day on 18 December, the Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OCU), cofounded by Emmaus International, is presenting its case for a change of course on migration.

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Policy and campaigns

World AIDS Day: Prevention, screening and support in Burkina Faso

Emmaus organisation SEMUS is one of the Movement’s specialists in the fight against AIDS.
“When we realised how excluded people with HIV were, we decided to launch a programme – as an Emmaus organisation, we have a duty to reach out to the most excluded groups”, explained Mr. Maurice, who is in charge of managing the project within the organisation.

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Policy and campaigns

No ecology without democracy!

The state of emergency in France will significantly complicate the participation of civil society organisations from around the world in the COP21 climate change conference. However, Emmaus International general delegate Nathalie Péré-Marzano maintains that long-term solutions must be built based on the experience and assertions of the poorest populations, who are the first to be affected by climate change.

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