Emmaus International

Policy and campaigns

Policy and campaigns

Alternative migration policies: the example of São Paulo

Since 2013, the city of São Paulo in Brazil has been implementing a highly innovative migration policy, as migrants are regarded as being a positive resource for the city. Paulo Illes, the city’s migration policy coordinator, who will be taking part in the seminar on the theme of “Alternative governance of migrations”, tells us all about it.

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Policy and campaigns

For an alternative governance of migrations

In a context marked by the dramas suffered by migrants in the Mediterranean, Emmaus International and the Organisation for a Universal Citizenship (O.C.U.) are organising an international meeting on May 22 and 23 to try and find alternatives in the governance of migrations worldwide.

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Policy and campaigns

The Sinking of Europe

Emmaus International demands that Europe put an end to a security-dominated approach that kills thousands of migrants every year. In the aftermath of dramatic events in recent days in the Mediterranean, Emmaus International Chair, Jean Rousseau urges Europe to urgently rethink its migration policies and to bring the issue to the international stage.

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Policy and campaigns

Hand over power in Africa says new report

The ‘Turn the Page’ collective, whose members include Emmaus Africa and Emmaus International, is calling for democratic handover of power in Africa and has just published its first report. The report will be used as part of a campaign to “turn the page on authoritarian regimes in Africa”.

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Policy and campaigns

Emmaus International in Tunis – working for a fairer world

An Emmaus International delegation attended the World Social Forum in Tunis from 24 – 28 March. Emmaus International met with other social movements and organisations in Tunis to champion and discuss the right to water, international migration, democratic transition and climate change alternatives.

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