Emmaus International

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World Assembly 2022: Changing the world with our struggles!

340 representatives of Emmaus groups from 34 countries and four continents are participating in this highly significant moment in the democratic life of the movement. They will take part in five days of debate and workshops, discussing and deciding on the new guidelines for Emmaus International to run until 2025.

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Global Report communication campaign: we’re counting on you to make it a success!

To mark the release of Emmaus’ first Global Report on its fight against poverty, we are inviting you to get involved in our communication campaign! The aim is to publicise our work and our proposals on tackling poverty and its causes through one clear message: Our struggles are local, global, vital! The hashtag #OurVoicesMatter has also been chosen to highlight and make the voices heard of those leading this struggle.

The communication campaign will begin on 17 October, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

On this occasion, we will launch a new appeal from the Emmaus movement to make our demands heard, and we will send a press release and press kit to journalists. Over the following six weeks, we will spotlight one demand per week from our Report. For each of the six weeks, we will focus on one demand, illustrated with video, audio and visual content. For this campaign and to share our analyses and proposals as widely as possible, we will use:

  • Dedicated website, with the full report, along with all the videos and photos showing our demands and alternatives.
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) from 18 October to 28 November, using the hashtag #OurVoicesMatter 

In order to make the campaign as international as possible, all the communication material will be translated into Spanish, English and French.

So that each member of our movement can prepare, we are sharing a communication kit with you containing: appeal (please note, this is confidential until 17 October 2021!), report (also to be kept confidential until 17 October); a summary is being finalised, press kit, press release template to be sent to national and local media, ideas for events that can be organised locally, audios, videos and visual materials.

<<Download the communication kit >>

We are also running two video conference sessions so you can become familiar with the campaign’s content and tools:

  • Tuesday 12 October at 3pm (CET) in Spanish and French
  • Wednesday 13 October at 10am (CET) in English and French

To sign up, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We need your help with this campaign to make the release of our first Global Report a success!  For this campaign, a single hashtag will be used: #OurVoicesMatter, which will allow us to track all publications and media coverage of the campaign. Make sure you don’t miss anything by signing up to follow us here: FacebookTwitterInstagram & LinkedIn !

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“Emmaus: Our Voices”, Emmaus’ first Global Report on our struggles to combat the causes of poverty!

This document outlines three requirements and six demands for tackling poverty and its causes, illustrated through twelve real-life experiences of initiatives run on the ground by Emmaus groups around the world. This important analytical and creative work is just the first step in our long-term advocacy strategy to make our voices heard, and it concerns all the members of our movement!


The idea of producing this report came about after the 2016 World Assembly in Jesolo, as part of the 4-year strategy voted on by the Emmaus International Board in November 2016 outlining the implementation of the resolutions from the chapter “Tackling the causes of poverty”. In 2018 and 2019, the Board refined its strategy and established the objectives of this report. This report is intended to be used both to address the media with a counterargument to government statistics on poverty, in addition to being used as a common tool by all the movement’s members for their advocacy work, to lobby political decision-makers, to hold debates with other organisations and civil society movements based on our analyses and proposals.

The groups present at the World Forum of Alternatives led with the most excluded in 2018, reaffirmed the importance of producing this first Global Report and inspired its content.

In an effort to develop this report in a participatory way, the Board, together with an ad-hoc working group, launched a call within the movement for “real-life experiences” that could be included in this report.  Out of a hundred or so responses received from across our four regions, 12 initiatives were selected, with the main criterion being that they should be replicable on a large scale to clearly demonstrate that structural alternatives are possible. Based on these real-life experiences, it was possible to identify six important demands, which also highlight the three requirements that Emmaus International and its member groups are able to promote together, explaining how and under what conditions it is possible to tackle the causes of poverty.

Despite the pandemic, and the travel restrictions in place, the articles showcasing the twelve real-life experiences were written by a journalist during the first half of 2021, and video reports were produced for six of them with the help of local contacts on the ground.

The 60-page report will be made public on 17 October 2021, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

While this publication marks the completion of significant analytical and creative work, it is only the first step in our long-term advocacy plan. The requirements and demands presented in this report should then be taken to public decision-makers at all levels. We also hope to present it to international organisations, along with states and local authorities, thanks to the involvement not only of Emmaus International's elected representatives but also of our regions, national organisations and each of our groups. As it is only by working together, through our joint action, that we will manage to bring about change!

Abbé Pierre and the Emmaus founders carried out advocacy work for many years. It is now the time for each of us, wherever we are, in our groups or our decision-making bodies, to take up this collective effort for a fairer and more united world.

>> Find out more about the communication campaign that will be launched for the release of this report

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Presentation of the Covid-19 emergency provisions

Origins of the provisions

In order to tackle the global health crisis quickly, Emmaus International's elected representatives were keen to launch a global solidarity initiative within the movement, in consultation with the regions. Since mid-March emergency solidarity provisions have been set up to begin to respond to the needs on the ground.
The conditions for accessing this emergency fund are as follows:
• Your group is forced, as a direct consequence of the health crisis, to suspend its economic activities;
• This suspended activity threatens the existence of the group and/or the ability to meet the basic needs of vulnerable people welcomed and supported by your group;
• Your group does not benefit from assistance from your national organisation or public aid from your country or local authorities.

Presentation of the provisions

The Executive Committee has decided to implement 3 exceptional provisions and to expand the conditions of use of the Emmaus Ethical Fund to include cash relief (referred to as provision “2”). Here we are only presenting the 3 emergency provisions (referred to as provisions “1”, “3” and “4”). As yet, no applications have been made to the Emmaus Ethical Fund, however applications will no doubt be made when activities resume as the lockdown is eased.

• Provision 1: “Urgent support”

Purpose: to cover, at least partially, the survival costs for the running of the group, in other words the fees related to the basic needs of the group so that it can keep going during the crisis. These include food, water, healthcare, electricity, a share of the operating costs, etc.

Priority criteria:
• The group already carried out one or several activities before the health crisis forced it to cease this activity (please note that this provision is not to be used to restart dormant activities)
• The suspension of their activities directly threatens the group’s existence and the fundamental needs of the vulnerable people the group supports
• The group does not benefit from public aid or assistance from the national federation
• The group works in a context where social protection is limited or non-existent

Maximum amount of aid: €5,000 per month, renewable

• Provision 3: “Relaunching activities post-lockdown”

Purpose: support the group's recovery coming out of lockdown, in particular in its solidarity initiatives with vulnerable people that it usually cares for; this aid may also cover the administrative costs of accessing any public aid that may be set up in the country concerned.

Priority criteria:
• The group needs financial support to resume its activities and has no available savings it can use
• The group has no public aid and/or support from its national federation
• The group works in a context where social protection is limited or non-existent

Maximum amount of aid: €10,000, non-renewable

• Provision 4: “Support for mutual health organisations”

This provision is only available to the groups/countries which already manage one of the mutual health organisations.

Estimating the needs

Faced with the scale of the crisis which the groups are facing around the world, and aware of the mechanisms put in place by different countries where our groups are present (either by their governments or their national organisation), the Executive Committee and Emmaus International Secretariat have worked with Emmaus Europe, since mid-April, on estimating the priority needs for support. This is not exclusive of support that could be envisaged for all the movement’s groups, depending on the resources available. As things stand at present, some 90 groups in the movement throughout the world have been identified as priority groups for emergency funding, due to the total lack of support measures in their countries and the significant risks to populations who have very precarious health systems, in addition to the dramatic social consequences of the crisis.

Provision Estimated amount of needs Explanation
Urgent support (provision 1) €800,000 Average aid of €4,000 per month over a 3-month period for approximately 80% of the groups primarily concerned
Relaunching activities (provision 3) €640,000 Average aid of €8,000 per group to approximately 95% of the groups primarily concerned
Mutual health organisations (provision 4) €80,000 Overall estimate of needs

Total needs estimated amount to €1,520,000

Of the total required, Emmaus International had solidarity reserves from the annual sales held the previous year which were not yet allocated (awaiting the Board meeting in May 2020), amounting to €468 000 with the support from two foundations, the San Zeno foundation and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, which is member of Emmaus International. The additional needs have therefore been estimated at around €800,000, for which a solidarity appeal was launched to the European groups in the movement.

We must highlight that this situation could have a lasting impact on Emmaus International’s reserve funds for the years to come. Indeed, the programmes usually implemented each year have been suspended, and the reallocation of the restricted solidarity funds linked to the 2019 annual sale will not allow them to be relaunched once the crisis is over. The annual sales in 2020, which provide for the solidarity actions in 2021, have not been launched due to the current situation.

The solidarity appeal launched is therefore essential for the groups and for the movement.

Details on the origins and use of the funds

A detailed, regularly updated presentation is also available here.

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Detailed presentation of funds raised for the Covid-19 emergency provisions

Sharing is one of the fundamental values of Emmaus International. All the funds raised are available to all the members according to their needs and within the rules stipulated by the Executive Committee.

To enable you to follow where we are at, as closely as possible, in terms of funds raised and funds allocated, we have put together a large number of graphs which you can find here. This data is updated regularly.

Page last updated on: 30/09/2020

Contents :

Origin of resources and requirements achieved

The amount required for Emmaus International to respond to this crisis has increased to €1,520,000. We have so far used: €1,189,036 and we are relying on our savings which amount to €341,645. Therefore, we still need to raise €115,673.

1. Overall achievement of funding targets to date:
2. Achievement of the funding targets to date, per type:
3. Origin of funds available to date:

Breakdown of funds already used

The total of the funds raised has been distributed to 65 member groups through 239 funding requests. The average amount of the aid granted per request is: €4,975.

4. Number of requests granted and beneficiary groups by region and at the global level (to date):
5. Allocation of funds granted by region (to date):
6. Allocation of funds granted by provision, by region and at global level (to date):

Use and impact of funds granted

The fund requests and the usage reports enable us to assess how much of the assistance granted is used to support the groups and how much benefits the people supported by means of the group’s initiatives. For the latter, we can also estimate the type of assistance provided.

According to our estimates, 188,577 people have benefited from assistance to the populations through the funds already distributed as part of this emergency provision.

7. Share of the amounts spent per assistance type, per region and globally (to date):
8. Evaluation of the allocation of assistance to people per assistance type, per region and globally (to date):

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Share the sale of street-art on social networks

Post template for Facebook

The solidarity sale of street art has now begun with all profits going to Emmaus International! Over 71 works of art, specially donated to Emmaus International for this event by over 60 artists, are being sold at a fixed price by online art gallery and our partner for this event @KAZoART. Don’t miss the opportunity to admire and acquire original works of art!

All the profits from this sale will go to the Emmaus International emergency fund and will help to support its 410 member groups who run solidarity initiatives on the ground, including distributing food parcels, making and distributing hygiene products, healthcare campaigns and caring for the sick through Emmaus’ mutual health organisations, and financial support for people left with nothing as a result of the crisis.

#StreetArtPourEmmausInter #streetart #urbanart #art #coronavirus #EmmausInternational #ArtistsSolidarity

Post template for Instgram

The solidarity sale of street art has begun! Over 71 works of art, specially donated to Emmaus International for this event by over 60 artists, are being sold at a fixed price by online art gallery and our partner for this event @KAZoART.

Don’t miss the opportunity to admire and acquire original works of art. All the profits from this sale will go to the Emmaus International emergency fund and will help to support its 410 member groups who run solidarity initiatives on the ground with the most vulnerable.

#StreetArtPourEmmausInter #streetart #urbanart #art #coronavirus #EmmausInternational #ArtistsSolidarity

Download visuals

Presentation of the sale

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Emmaus: at risk in Europe and across the globe

In many places Emmaus groups are coping and using their strengths of resilience and solidarity. It is remarkable what our Emmaus movement is managing to do to help the most excluded during the difficult times we are living through. Emmaus International and Emmaus Europe are here for you every day to share information and to support all your actions as best we can.

However, we are concerned, although unfortunately not surprised, to see that in addition to the devastating consequences of this crisis, the inequalities in opportunities and resources that exist even within Emmaus have been exacerbated by the pandemic. In countries where the majority live in abject poverty, where there is a culmination of corruption and greed, destruction of the environment and non-existent social protection systems, the existence of our Emmaus groups is at stake.

Emmaus International’s newsletter demonstrates the inspiring and admirable efforts made by groups in Lebanon, India, Peru, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Romania, and Africa, where resources are already overstretched, in reaching out to feed, care for and distribute essential items to those around them.

Our national organisations, particularly the most stable and experienced ones, are providing support to their groups, organising solidarity initiatives and applying for public funds made available by the authorities. Some, like France and Italy, have even taken the step of making an unprecedented appeal to the public.

At the international level, since the start of April we have begun using the solidarity funds raised last year to provide emergency support to help our friends on the front line in Africa, the Americas, Asia and eastern Europe, and to give them a fair share of what we have. Emmaus Europe and Emmaus International are working together to study the requests made, based on common criteria.

However, given it has now been a month and a half since the groups around the world stopped their activities, we can see that this is not going to be enough. To date, the minimum estimated additional needs amount to €800,000, if we are to provide a decent level of support to all these groups.

Faithful to our vital and founding tradition passed on by Abbé Pierre, we appeal to all the groups that are able to share their solidarity to contribute to an international fund that we will set up specifically for this appeal. We need your help, when you can and as soon as you can, given the urgency of this situation. A large number of groups around the world have nobody else to turn to except you. They don’t receive help from public authorities, nor do they have the possibility of asking their fellow citizens for financial support.

Emmaus International and Emmaus Europe are determined to pool our efforts, and we thank you in advance for setting a clear example of exceptional solidarity without borders.
At this unsettling and distressing time, which is also the time for shared efforts, the elected members of Emmaus International and Emmaus Europe are sending you their friendship and trust.

“If someone in high office carries out all of their duties, no-one is moved; but if someone in want of everything deprives themselves of what little they have to help another who is suffering, few are those who can witness this without some part of their life being deeply, perhaps forever, altered.”
(Misery judges the world, November 1954)

Carina Aaltonen                                                 Patrick Atohoun
President of Emmaus Europe                           President of Emmaus International

How can I make a donation to Emmaus International’s emergency appeal? 
Download the procedure