Emmaus International



Abbé Pierre, a living memory!

With its elaborate set design and regular events, the Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre has been working to promote and uphold the memory of Abbé Pierre and the Emmaus movement since 2012. Interview with the Director of the Centre, Philippe Dupont.

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Abbé Pierre in caricature

From 1st September to 31st October 2015, the Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre (CAPE in French) in Esteville, France, will be hosting an exhibition on the theme of “Abbé Pierre in caricature and in press cartoons”. But why was Abbé Pierre such an object of fascination for the media? Read more ...


Memories of the first ever Emmaus world assembly

Stéphane Drechsler is the founder of Emmaus Cologne (Germany) and was vice-president of Emmaus International from 1991 to 1996. In 1969, he took part in the first Emmaus world assembly, which brought together 70 Emmaus organisations from 20 countries in Berne in Switzerland. Stéphane agreed to share some memories in this interview.

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Abbé Pierre meets Blaise Compaoré

Three months before the 2003 world assembly in Ouagadougou, Abbé Pierre travelled to Ouagadougou. As a well-known and respected figure, he was received by the head of state. Abbé Pierre was accompanied by Koudbi Koala, a representative of Emmaus Africa, and Laurent Desmard, his private secretary.

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New Abbé Pierre book – a wealth of ideas

As Abbé Pierre’s sole legatee, Emmaus International endeavours to keep the memory of Emmaus's founder alive. That’s why Jean Rousseau, Chair of Emmaus International, has compiled a book of fascinating political writings by Abbé Pierre, which has just been released.

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