Emmaus International



« Universal Manifesto is a milestone for our Movement.”

Moon Sharma is Director of Tara Projects (India), Chair of Emmaus Asia, and Vice Chair of Emmaus International. To mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto in Bern, Switzerland, she addressed the relevance of the Manifesto, with particular focus on the realities of the world today.

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“The Universal Manifesto has been a very powerful inspiration, not so much as a text, but as a platform for actions and for solidarity. »

Birgitta Goranson is a volunteer for the Swallows association and a member of Emmaus Sweden. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto, she revisited this founding text and common foundation of the Emmaus Movement as a source of inspiration since the 1970s.

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"I've integrated the Universal Manifest into my way of thinking, my conscience, and I try to live it on a daily basis."

Emmanuel Siambo, Chair of Emmaus Solidarité Ouaga and member of Emmaus Burkina Faso. To mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto of the movement, he discussed to the importance of this founding text as the source of his commitment since the 1990s.

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"Abbé Pierre discussed with us the need to create a link at an international level."

José Aravena is the founder and Chair of the Emmaus group Las Urracas in Chile. Having been a member of the provisional committee preparing the first General Assembly in 1969, he spoke at the plenary session on 24 May 2019 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto at the Federal Swiss Parliament in Bern. He recounted what had motivated him, at the time, to work on this project to create Emmaus International and to participate in drafting its founding text.

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50 years of the movement’s Universal Manifesto in photos!

Looking back at that historic event on 24 May 2019 in Bern (Switzerland) commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Manifesto, the founding text of the Emmaus movement, in the same place where it was adopted exactly 50 years ago.

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