Emmaus International



Political inaction is no longer an option in the face of climate change and poverty

From 1st - 12th November, 200 countries from around the world are meeting in Glasgow for the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, COP26. This event is a decisive moment for implementing the Paris Agreement, a binding international treaty on climate change that came into force five years ago, with its key objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

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Final statement of the Emmaus International Board of October 2021

Three days after the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the publication of our first global report on our fight against poverty, “Emmaus: Our Voices”, the members of the board of Emmaus International, who have gathered in Paris (France), reassert the urgency of this struggle and the need to attack the structural causes of poverty.

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Emmaus International is publishing its first Global Report on its fight against poverty

In its first Global Report, Emmaus International is making the voices of the most excluded heard, presenting alternatives and demands, and launching a new appeal against the causes of poverty.

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New contemporary art sale to support Emmaus International’s work

From 5 to 10 October 2021, in the legendary 59 Rivoli gallery located in the heart of Paris, Emmaus International is organising a large solidarity sale of street art thanks to the generosity of over forty artists.

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Ensuring that all young people have access to an education that will help them achieve their potential: a must in the fight against poverty!

260 million children and adolescents worldwide are still out of school. International Youth Day is an important occasion for Emmaus International to issue a new warning: rather than being treated as the poor relation of public policies, education should be at the heart of all matters as a means to combat inequalities and ensure a brighter future for all young people.

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