Emmaus International


Straight to the source

Poster for the 30th anniversary of Emmaus San Luis (Chile)

The Emmaus International archives contain a large collection of posters - almost 815 original copies, not counting duplicates - from almost all the countries where the movement has developed. Their methodical filing is underway and will allow them to be digitised, so that they can be more easily consulted and used. Emmaus International looks at one of them.

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"A cruel reality beyond imagination...”

In May 2021, at the request of the Asia region, the Emmaus International Board launched an emergency solidarity appeal to all the movement’s groups, to provide support to the Emmaus groups in India affected by a violent second wave of Covid-19. Today, Kamal Mayakichenane, at the Emmaus Asia Secretariat, reports on the evolving situation in India and in Bangladesh, where the figures are still worrying.

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To ensure that access to health is a right for all, sign the European Citizens' Initiative "No profit on the pandemic"!

While vaccination rates are increasing at a steady pace in some countries, many others are experiencing a real inequity in the distribution of vaccines despite facing critical health situations. Global vaccine inequality is one of the biggest obstacles to ending this pandemic.

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Withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty by COP26!

Together with over 400 organisations, Emmaus International is calling on political leaders from all the European countries to pull out of the Energy Charter Treaty by COP26, which will take place in November in Glasgow, and to respect their climate commitments.

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World Refugee Day 2021

Today we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of World Refugee Day, along with 50th anniversary of the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. To mark this day, which is intended to honour refugees, Emmaus International is calling on all leaders to respect this Convention that is all too often flouted, and for a paradigm shift from the deliberate stigmatisation of migrants that justifies the ill-treatment inflicted upon them. Emmaus International calls for a dignified welcome, throughout the world, of the millions of people fleeing their countries. 

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