Emmaus International



Reopening of Emmaus shops in the UK

After months of strict lockdown and an intensive vaccination campaign in the United Kingdom, Britons are starting to get back to an almost normal way of life. Restaurants are welcoming customers back and hairdressers and shops are reopening. Simon Grainge, Chief Executive of Emmaus UK, tells us about the reopening of the Emmaus shops and the issues involved.

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Homage to Sister Hatsuki, an emblematic figure at Emmaus Japan

Sister Hatsuki Murakami recently passed away. She was a key figure for the Emmaus movement in Japan, where she set up initiatives in Tokyo after spending more than four years immersed in international youth camps and Emmaus communities in France until 1977. Many people in the movement met her and have fond memories of her. Read more about her story here.

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The challenges encountered by countries in South America in coping with Covid-19 and inequalities in accessing vaccines

Luis Tenderini, an Emmaus International Board member for the Americas region, tells us how the economic and social situation has deteriorated in most South American countries since the beginning of the health crisis and how inequalities have intensified between the classes. He focuses particularly on the problems of access to vaccination for the population.

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“No profit on pandemic” : everyone deserves protection from Covid-19

A collective threat requires solidarity, not private profiteering. This is why Emmaus International is joining the European Citizens' Initiative Right to Cure.

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World Health Day - spotlight on Emmaus International’s mutual health organisations

In places where health protection systems exist, the Emmaus movement campaigns for universal access; in places where public policies are lacking or unequal profit-making private systems are rife, Emmaus creates community-based social protection systems managed by individuals.

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