Emmaus International



2016 world assembly: a look back at 2007

With the 2016 world assembly just a few days away, we take a look back at four world assemblies that have made a big impact on Emmaus International’s history. This week, 2007 World Assembly in Sarajevo (Bosnia), focused on "Let’s move forward together".

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Interview with Alex Zanotelli

Alex Zanotelli is an Italian priest and the founder of many peace and social justice move-ments. He has lived in South Sudan and Kenya. He will be at the World Assembly in Jesolo this April to share his experiences.

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Three new French members

Three French Emmaus organisations joined Emmaus International at the beginning of 2016: the Emmaus Paris community, the Emmaus 24 community and the organisation Les Eaux Vives. We wish them a very warm welcome!

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Policy and campaigns

Italy: water is a common good

World Water Day is on the 22nd March. Throughout the world today, even in Europe, access to water for all and its sustainable management are seriously threatened by the culture of financialisation.

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2016 world assembly: a look back at 2003

With the 2016 world assembly just a few weeks away, we take a look back at four world assemblies that have made a big impact on Emmaus International’s history. This week, 2003 World Assembly in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): "Speaking out and acting together".

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