Emmaus International


Local news

Meeting with the new Chair of Emmaus International

Patrick Atohoun, leader of the Emmaus Pahou group in Benin and active in the movement since 1992, is the new Chair of Emmaus International. He talks about the plans he has for his chairmanship.

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Policy and campaigns

The migration issue being brushed under the carpet at the 3rd intergovernmental summit of Western Balkans and EU countries

The 3rd intergovernmental summit of Western Balkans and EU countries, being held in Paris today, does not intend to discuss any migration-related issues, despite the terrible plight faced by migrants travelling the Balkan route. French network Des Ponts Pas des Murs (“Bridges, not Walls”), of which Emmaus International is a member, condemns the European Union’s failure to take action.

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Policy and campaigns

An Emmaus delegation at the São Paulo WSFM

From 7th - 10th of this July, representatives of Emmaus International and the Organisation for Universal Citizenship will take part in the 7th World Social Forum on Migrations, São Paulo.

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Companions team up for Paris Salon

A team of formerly homeless people from Emmaus Leeds have visited Paris, France on June 5th to take part in a Europe-wide charity sale to raise money for charitable projects worldwide.

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Policy and campaigns

Documents from the international meeting on alternative migration governance

On 22 and 23 May 2015, the Organisation for Universal Citizenship (OUC) and CCFD-Terre Solidaire, organised a conference on alternative migration governance. Read the documents from the international meeting

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