Emmaus International


Local news

Local produce for international solidarity

Emmaus FHF in India ran their annual solidarity sale from 16 – 20 June, selling their own local farming produce. An original approach to contributing towards international solidarity in the movement…

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Policy and campaigns

European asylum system: the Dublin Regulation must end

Emmaus International supports the appeal launched by French Coordination for Asylum Rights (CFDA) calling for the Dublin regulation to be shelved. Based on the principle that asylum applications must be filed in the country in which people arrive, the system is unfair, both for the countries that receive the most applications as well as for asylum seekers themselves.

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Local news

SINdesperdicio – solidarity and fashion combined!

In 2010, Emmaus San Sebastian launched SINdesperdicio (WITHOUTwaste), a fashion label specialising in bags and accessories made of old advertising banners. It’s an initiative that combines economic, social and environmental objectives.

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2014 annual report

We’re pleased to share with you our 2014 annual report.
It outlines the highlights of the year in the Emmaus regions, and important events associated with our movement’s policy and campaigns and solidarity initiatives.

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Projects up and running thanks to last year’s salon

Every year, the Paris salon brings together up to 130 Emmaus organisations from France and around Europe for a large-scale international solidarity sale. Discover some of the ethical finance projects set up in 2014 thanks to your solidarity purchases.

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