Emmaus International

Local news

Local news

The “Farm of Abbé Pierre”, Marseille

Monday 17th October, Marseille: today Emmaus Pointe Rouge celebrated the opening of the “Farm of
Abbé Pierre”. The newly renovated farm buildings will provide 10 new homes for the community, including 2 reserved for families of refugees from war zones.

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Local news

Meeting with the new Chair of Emmaus International

Patrick Atohoun, leader of the Emmaus Pahou group in Benin and active in the movement since 1992, is the new Chair of Emmaus International. He talks about the plans he has for his chairmanship.

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Local news

WA 2016 : Miguel Ángel Tuctuc, “We always try to meet people’s needs”

Miguel Angel Tuctuc is part of the San Juan Comalapa Community in Guatemala. His meeting with Lucy Poulin, founder of Emmaus H.O.M.E (Homeworkers Organized for More Employment) in the United States, had a huge impact on his decision to start a community in Guatemala.

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Local news

WA 2016: Massimo Barberis, “We have to take it to the streets!”

Massimo Barberis, originally from Turin, is a companion with the Point Rouge community in Marseille. His experiences in Italy, Benin, and France have each brought him closer to what he calls the “Emmaus Philosophy.”

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Local news

WA 2016: Aïcha Bintou, “Abbé Pierre brought out the best in men”

Aïcha Bintou Sissoko represents Emmaus International in Burkina Faso.  She works for the organization Pag-La-Yiri, which means “woman is the foundation of the home” in the Mossi Language.

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