Emmaus International

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In 2016, let's be activists for peace

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Emmaus has been responsible and environmentally friendly since 1949

As a wave of of statements of intent and green marketing comes in response to COP21, Emmaus France is launching a campaign on the subject of sustainable development. The aim is to remind people that Emmaus has been a front-runner on questions of sustainable development... for 65 years!

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Agro-ecology to fight against poverty

Across all continents, Emmaus organisations are developing alternatives that respect people and the environment. In India, the Emmaus organisation Kudumbam has been working since 1982 to develop sustainable and responsible agriculture to fight against poverty.

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Improving accommodation in India

As a member of Emmaus International, each year the Abbé Pierre Foundation funds a whole host of international solidarity projects. In 2015, the Foundation joined forces with Emmaus International to fund projects aimed at improving the accommodation offered by Emmaus associations on 4 continents. This week, we head to India.

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Improving accommodation in Benin

As a member of Emmaus International, each year the Abbé Pierre Foundation funds a whole host of international solidarity projects. In 2015, the Foundation joined forces with Emmaus International to fund projects aimed at improving the accommodation offered by Emmaus associations on 4 continents. This week, we head to Benin.

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