Emmaus International

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Fighting human trafficking in Bosnia-Herzegovina

30 July is the United Nations “World Day against Trafficking in Persons” – find out about the International Forum of Solidarity’s initiatives in Bosnia.

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ABBÉ PIERRE – EMMAUS CENTRE: summer events in Esteville

Discover three events on at the Abbé Pierre – Emmaus Centre this summer… spread the world and feel free to take part! Read more ...

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Local produce for international solidarity

Emmaus FHF in India ran their annual solidarity sale from 16 – 20 June, selling their own local farming produce. An original approach to contributing towards international solidarity in the movement…

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SINdesperdicio – solidarity and fashion combined!

In 2010, Emmaus San Sebastian launched SINdesperdicio (WITHOUTwaste), a fashion label specialising in bags and accessories made of old advertising banners. It’s an initiative that combines economic, social and environmental objectives.

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A closer look...Jekawilli, Côte d’Ivoire

Every year, Emmaus organisations and their partner organisations who want to develop their activities put forward projects to Emmaus International. Meeting with Nantégué Koné, Leader of Emmaus Jekawilli, Côte d’Ivoire.

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